To date, Africa Yoga Project has trained over 400 youth from Africa through an AYP Teacher Training and Baron Baptiste’s Level 1 and Level 2 teacher trainings. Today, Africa Yoga Project employs these instructors to teach over 300 free classes a week.

The AYP Mentor Program was developed to create a bridge between our aspiring Kenyan teachers and individuals all over the world. In 2011, our first year of the Mentor Program, Mentors from the US, Canada, Australia and Europe were paired with an Africa Yoga Project Teacher and the program has been growing ever since!

We are currently looking for mentors for our incoming Academy class. If you are interested in becoming a Mentor, please sign up here today!

Reach Out

Become a Mentor
  • Kenya is closer than you think!

    "Being involved with the AYP mentoring program is about connection, life and love. Building a bridge between communities and strengthening each and every person in the community to develop life skills and attainable goals. My relationship with my mentee David started 3 years ago and he is now part of my family. We share ideas about yoga and life. We co-create themes for yoga classes and workshops. My family embraced the opportunity to host David this summer when he was on the HHH 2016 tour. The experience was priceless! If you are considering being a mentor, open your heart and mind and be up to something BIGGER than yourself! Kenya is much closer than you think!"

    Lisa Duffy - AYP Teacher Mentor

  • The connection will last a lifetime!

    "Being a mentor through the Africa Yoga Project has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. The connection that my mentee and I have created is one that will last a lifetime. Not only have I been a mentor to him, he has become my teacher in countless ways. I will forever be grateful for all of the experiences I have had as a mentor. It has truly taught me what it means to be of service."

    Julie Kiddoo - AYP Teacher Mentor

  • has been a gift from the start.

    I am in my fourth year of mentoring and it has been a gift from the start. To have the privilege of working together with another person on both professional and person growth has been life changing for both of us. I can't say enough about the guidance of the process, the empowering activities and accountability that can skyrocket this process of growth and connection. I am so grateful for this opportunity and the friendship that has come out of it. This is one of those experiences that has the ability to positively impact not only another person's life but your own!"

    Carlene Benelli, 2017 AYP Mentor

Africa Yoga Project Educates, Empowers, Elevates and Expands Employability with youth in Africa using the transformational practice of yoga. Our vision is to create opportunities for youth to step into their greatness and become self-sustaining leaders in their communities.

There are so many ways to get involved with Africa Yoga Project through fundraising, mentorship, or service trips and more! Click the email icon above for more information!

For general information:

You can take class at the Shine Center when you’re in Kenya or hire a private instructor in any of the countries we have teachers in. Click the email icon above for more information!

For general information:

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