Tabitha Muchemi

HR Manager

Tabitha has worked as the Finance and Administration Manager for the Africa Yoga Project organization since March 2011. Her duties include handling all financial transactions, volunteer project management and coordination, and execution of mentor calls with the Africa Yoga Project teachers. Tabitha has been involved with the Africa Yoga Project organization since its beginning in 2007, when she was working for Sarakasi Trust. She likes the project’s vision and community outreach—especially in building schools. "AYP employs teachers and empowers the youth," Tabitha says. "And, since I am working for Africa Yoga Project I do more for my physical and mental fitness in learning Yoga."

Africa Yoga Project Educates, Empowers, Elevates and Expands Employability with youth in Africa using the transformational practice of yoga. Our vision is to create opportunities for youth to step into their greatness and become self-sustaining leaders in their communities.

There are so many ways to get involved with Africa Yoga Project through fundraising, mentorship, or service trips and more! Click the email icon above for more information!

For general information:

You can take class at the Shine Center when you’re in Kenya or hire a private instructor in any of the countries we have teachers in. Click the email icon above for more information!

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