Joseph Dushimimana

I, Duhimimana Joseph Desideratus, was born on March 10th, 1988 in Rwanda. I entered the yoga lifestyle in 2013 when I went to university where I was also introduced to the Africa Yoga Project. I started to regularly teach yoga after attending the AYP 200 hours teacher training in April 2013 and Baptiste Level II that July. Currently, I am a social entrepreneur, combining the skills acquired through yoga with the sociology degree I attained in university. With the combination of these, I work to empower and heal the community of Rwandans who suffered the consequences during and after the holocaust of 1994 within the genocide against the Tutsi.

My teaching is inspired by hatha (a combination of power, ashtanga, and yin yoga variations) raja yoga, karma yoga, and Buddhist meditation. The combination of these make my teaching into a series of breath based warming up exercises, strengthening and stretching exercises, elongations, contractions within arm and leg balancing, twisting, back bending, abdominal strengthening, inversions, and a deep relaxation-meditation for finding peace of mind.

Africa Yoga Project Educates, Empowers, Elevates and Expands Employability with youth in Africa using the transformational practice of yoga. Our vision is to create opportunities for youth to step into their greatness and become self-sustaining leaders in their communities.

There are so many ways to get involved with Africa Yoga Project through fundraising, mentorship, or service trips and more! Click the email icon above for more information!

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You can take class at the Shine Center when you’re in Kenya or hire a private instructor in any of the countries we have teachers in. Click the email icon above for more information!

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